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      Monday, January 16, 2006

08:56 AM - 01/16/2006

The topic: I fell on my ass


Saturday afternoon.  We had gone shopping and I was putting away the paper towels.  We buy them by the case at CostCo and store them in the laundry room in one of the cupboards.  I was standing on my little stool and shoving the towels into place when, out of the corner of my eye, I saw the broom start to fall over. Well, one of the cats was on the floor directly in its path.

So, I reach out and grab for the broom and when I did this, I lost my balance.  My backwards descent was in slow motion.  I fell on my amply padded ass, twisted my ankle trying to get it out from between the steps on the stool.  Somehow, I also rejammed my right thumb.  Oh, and I pulled something on my torso under my left arm.

Brian saw the entire thing.  He wasn’t close enough to do anything when I fell.  He came in and asked if I was alright and I just laid on the floor looking up at him.  I was still breathing so I guess I was alright.  I was pretty stiff yesterday and my ankle hurts like hell, but other than that, I’m okay.  Well, my left leg kind of hurts.

I am glad we already had a chiropractor appointment for this evening.

And the kitty-cat was okay.  As a matter of fact, I think that kitty-cat got out of Dodge when he saw me falling.

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08:06 AM - 01/16/2006
I'm listening to Guitar Greats: The Best of New Flamenco

The topic: Ch-ch-changes


Angel came into the house for the first time in months and months last night. She usually sleeps in the garage, but last night, she crept in through the cat door. She slunk through the house, cautiously looking this way and that. She went into the living room and up into a cat bed and lay down next to one of her red brothers, Richie or Opie.  A little later she came back into the family room and got on the steps of one of the cat condo/trees that’s in there.  

Katie was sleeping in the bed and the presence of another kitty-cat woke her up. She started showing interest in her niece, Angel, more than we were comfortable with, so I found a Katie toy and threw it down the hallway. She gave chase and while we were playing, Angel climbed up to the bed.

Where she fell asleep. Before I went to bed, I went over to her and I petted her a little bit and she purred for me. I hope this is a sign that she’s going to start living in the house again.

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07:39 AM - 01/16/2006
I'm watching KUSI morning news

The topic: Who will be king?


DeeJay was the head of the clowder.  He was the boss.  No one (except kittens), messed with Deej.  He kept all the other cats in line with a look or a growl.  All of the cats deferred to the him.

Now that he’s gone, it’s going to be interesting to see the changes in the cat dynamics.  Bart is now the oldest boy, but he’s too much of a softie.  We can’t see him in the position that DeeJay left.   Maybe Mickey.  Maybe George.  Brian doesn’t think George because he’s afraid of Ciara. But, like Brian said, that could change. 

Maybe one of the girls. Mystie is pretty bossy, but I don’t think the other cats respect her.  They respected DeeJay, you could just tell.  No one was afraid of him, they didn’t run when he came into the room.  There’s a series of three photos over on the family album of the way DeeJay worked.  Lisa was laying on the pad in front of the office window (where the officecam is pointing).  DeeJay wanted to lay there.  Without a meow, he was able to get her to move.  Just by looking at her.  (You can see the first picture here, then go back to see the other two (316, 315).  After she was awake, she left that nice cozy spot and DeeJay took it over.)

I don’t know of any of the other cats who can do that.  Which is why the next month is going to be very interesting.

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lisaviolet is seventy something, married with no kids, takes care of lots of cats, likes taking photographs, loves Southern California weather and spends altogether too much time avoiding her responsibilities.

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