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      Thursday, January 12, 2006

10:57 AM - 01/12/2006

The topic: Have I ever mentioned my washing machine?



Repairman came.  Ran it through some (empty) short cycles.  Suds were made.  Many suds.  He intstructed me on the care and use of detergent.  He asked what I used.  I showed him the bottle of Tide HE.  He said how much do you use?  I showed him the measuring cup that came with the bottle of detergent.  He shook his head.  He put his fingers apart about a half of an inch.  “You only need this much” he said. gulp I I asked why it made such a difference between a normal toploader and this machine and he pointed out a big “duh” point….the toploader uses a lot more water.  My machine only uses three gallons. 

The measuring cup, at its lowest level, is at least ten times as much as he indicated.  I asked why the measuring cup has so much.  “To sell more detergent.”  Makes sense.  I also learned that using bleach and detergent together isn’t a good thing, since the bleach counteracts the cleaning capabilities of the detergent.  I also found out the the CostCo detergent I’ve been using all of these years is not a good detergent.  He said it doesn’t dissolve in cold water.  And by the way, don’t use cold water, it doesn’t get clothes as clean.  And it does adhere to pretty much all that it touches inside the machine, the pipes, the tub, the pump….. (I found out just how hard it is to get rid of this past weekend when I took the detergent/bleach/softener dispenser out and tried to get all of the old stuff out.  I ended up using a small flathead screwdriver to chip away at it, it was like cement.)

He checked out the innards of the machine and he is going to replace the pump. When it comes in.  We scheduled an appointment for the 24th 24th. bigcry That’s forever from now.  He said that there’s no reason I can’t run the machine, as the current pump works.  “What about the suds?” I ask, since that’s what’s stopping me from doing laundry. 

He said the system has to be flushed.  And how do I do that?  Run the machine.  Run it and run it and run it.  Preferably hot loads since the hot water will dissolve the old built up detergent.  He didn’t know how long this will take me, but figure I’ve got years of build up.  *sigh*

He laughed when I told him I had no life, that if running load after load in hot water will get the damned thing cleaned out, then that’s what I’ll do.  And every once in a while, I’ll do a real load of laundry.

So, I’m stuck until the 24th. And even then, if it’s just a buildup of detergent, a new pump won’t be any help.

But it will be quieter.

Oh, I almost forgot…the repairman is allergic to kitty-cats.

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lisaviolet is seventy something, married with no kids, takes care of lots of cats, likes taking photographs, loves Southern California weather and spends altogether too much time avoiding her responsibilities.

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