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      Monday, January 09, 2006

06:44 PM - 01/09/2006

The topic: That load of sheets


The load of sheets I put in this morning finally finished at 4:41 this afternoon.   I had let the machine rest when I went to the petstore (then to a little health food store for green onions for the potato soup I’ll be making tomorrow).  So, the suds had time to break down.  The load finished without a problem.  No SUD message, no F 02 message.  Just a well spun, finished load of laundry. 

So, I put in the towels that Brian took out of his bathroom Saturday.  Once again, I didn’t use any detergent.  This load went off without a hitch.  The first load I did today took almost eight hours, the second took under an hour.  Promising.

So, I just put in a load of whites, with the specially formulated HE Tide detergent (they also carry it at Costco, which is nice and cost efficient).  It will be interesting to see what happens now.  Even if it works the way it should, I’m not going to cancel the appointment.  This shouldn’t have happened.

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06:16 PM - 01/09/2006

The topic: The vet just called


About Annie’s test results.  He said the good thing is she isn’t getting worse.  All but of her numbers was a little better, her RBC was much better, which means the anemia is resolving.  And her thyroid was doing quite a bit better, too.

He said that I’m doing all for her that can be done.  She is going to start getting fluids every other day, to help her keep her kidneys flushed. He asked about the balance problem and it’s pretty much gone.  He was concerned about the weight loss, but said it’s possible she had to get worse before her body would start healing.  (This afternoon, I hit Petco and bought some Nutro Complete Care food packets and a few cans of the Nutro veal pate, to help perk her appetite a bit.)  I told him that she has been sleeping more every day (today, she slept a lot) and I think that maybe this is also helping to unstress her body.

I also set up the bathroom for her.  She didn’t much care for it at first (I’m not keeping her in there…yet), but I think she’ll come to appreciate having a nice quiet place to eat in peace.  When she was finished, I let DeeJay go in there and he ate some of the food and then went into the carrier, where he laid down and is sleeping right now.

I thought about him this morning and I told Brian today that if Annie was so sick, or if she doesn’t get better (the vet said tonight that she’s held together with bailing wire and string) and we have to put her to sleep, that we’ll do DeeJay at the same time (if he’s not gone already).  I told this to the vet when he called and I said “they came into the world together, they can leave together”.   The past few weeks DeeJay has been spending the majority of his time in here with Annie.  (I’m watching her sleep right now and she looks so peaceful.) 

Anyway, that’s the good news.



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02:02 PM - 01/09/2006

The topic: Annie has lost 12 ounces


Crap.  Crap, crap, crap, crap.  

I know she needs fluids, today is one of her twice weekly days.  But she’s just not eating.  Her eyes look okay, she just doesn’t want to eat.  I hope her tests don’t show a major deteriorization.  I hope we can get her through this.

Later today I’m going to the petstore and get a supply of yummy cat food. She showed interest in the beef baby food, but that was in.  She kind of licked at it and then turned her head, letting me know she was done.

Of course, it doesn’t help that DeeJay does his Handsome imitation and is all over me and the spoon and the jar.   He’s eaten more than a jar of baby food today, not that I have a problem with it, he needs food, too.  But he pushes her out of the way.  I’m seriously thinking about setting her up in the bathroom so she can have a little piece.  Maybe I’ll do that now.  And I’ll be able to gauge how much she’s eating, if she’s eating at all.


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10:16 AM - 01/09/2006

The topic: Damn washer. Damn, damn washer.


All day Saturday I ran empty loads.  All day.  I let it rest Saturday night, with clean cold water in it.  I ran it yesterday morning, four or five empty loads with no SUD message.  I thought to myself “woohoo!  I can do laundry” and I put in what needed to be done most,  a load of jeans.

Guess what?  Two hours later, I was still having problems.  I put a fairly wet load of jeans into the dryer and let the SOB, POS washer do some more resting.  This morning, I let it rest with quite a bit of vinegar (thanks for the input on that, Brian had mentioned it last week, too, so I thought about it and figured it couldn’t make things worse).  It was something to hear all of the bubbles breaking on the inside.  I let it rest with the vinegar for about an hour, then drained it.  Went smoothly.

When I spoke with the repairman a couple of weeks ago, he said to run some loads without detergent.  So, this morning, after the vinegar water had drained out, I figured I’d run a load of sheets that I’d washed a couple of weeks ago, had just never gotten around to putting them away.  (That’s one of the problems with having a room that doesn’t get regular use, it’s too easy to just pile stuff in it.)  Well, yesterday I straightened out said room and put all of the laundry that I’d not folded on the bed.  And didn’t get to it right away. 

One of the cats did, though.

The sheets were the only thing hit and I took them back to the laundry room.  And this morning, I put them into the washer.  And right now? There’s a SUD warning on the control panel.

Thursday can’t get here too soon, as far as I’m concerned.  I’ve become so obsessed with that damned machine, that it’s affecting my mental well-being.  Sad, but true.  It’s in the back of my mind almost constantly.  Saturday, I was supposed to have mailed out brochures to one of Brian’s customers.  He asked me this morning if I did.  (No.)  He said he’d just have to take them over himself.   I apologized and told him it was the washer, I just wasn’t thinking right.  He agreed, said I’d been out of it for the past couple of weeks. angry_smile

Right now, it’s very hard for me to remember how much I liked this machine for so many years. 

I’m already thinking about what I’ll have to do before the repairman gets here.  I’ll move all of the laundry baskets out onto the patio (hopefully out of view of the patiocam), as well as the table and all of it’s contents, the litterbox, trash can and litter locker.  Then I have to clean the floor.  The cats pee against the laundry baskets and even though I try to keep on top of it, sometimes it can be pretty bad, depending on the number of cats who feel like spraying.

And when they call on Wednesday to confirm the appointment, I’m going to stress that I want it fixed Thursday, I don’t want to have to wait a couple of more weeks for a part to come in.  And I want the control panel tested, too.  I’m thinking there might be a problem there, too, since the damned thing just shut off in the middle of a cycle a couple of times this past weekend.

I’m armed.  I’ve had a lot of time to think about this.   Too much time.  My mom said this morning that this is probably what they do with warranty people.  If I’d been paying for the call, then they probably would have been out sooner.  Well, screw that, I did pay for the call when I paid for the five year warranty. 

Gonna go check to see if the sheets are still setting on SUD.


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lisaviolet is seventy something, married with no kids, takes care of lots of cats, likes taking photographs, loves Southern California weather and spends altogether too much time avoiding her responsibilities.

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