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      Monday, March 28, 2005

07:26 PM - 03/28/2005

The topic: I was pretty worried


Monday, March 28, 2005 I’ll be honest.  I was really, really worried about Handsome this weekend.  He wouldn’t eat, he wouldn’t drink and he’s drooling something awful.  Sunday, his breathing was scary.  I kept thinking back to Blackie.  How we only had him for forty-five days and he died at the vet’s office having fluid drawn from his lungs.  And the reason I brought him in was his labored breathing.

And Handsome also threw up a couple of times last night.  One of them had fur in it, but the others were mostly foam or bile. I think the crud he’s swallowing has upset his stomach (I know my tummy gets upset when I’ve got a runny nose or draining sinuses, all of that icky stuff ending up in the belly).  I gave him a quarter of a Pepcid A/C regular strength this morning and I might give him another quarter tonight before we go to bed.

And I am going to sleep in my own bed tonight, not on the sofa. Because Handsome was cuddled up against Brian this morning.  I won’t be displacing him, since he likes to get close. 

He did drink a ton of water today, which was good. He did come into the kitchen when I made lunch this morning, we had tuna sandwiches.  He sniffed the tuna, but not much more than that.  A little later on I gave him a bowl with tuna water and he drank a bit of that, not all, but some.  And tonight, when I fed the cats, I put a little of the runny gravy in a seperate bowl for him and he lapped most of it down.  Then he got up and started acting like his tummy was upset.  I’m hoping it’s just because he ate too fast and his belly wasn’t ready for it.  I’m hoping that he just has to get used to eating again.  And then there’s that drooling.  From what I could find online, it could be calici virus or herpes virus, causing mouth ulcers.  Herpes would probably be a better bet, since we already have that on premises (Ciara).  *sigh*

I just feel so badly.  I know he was sick before, but I bring him in and he gets even sicker.  I hope we can get him over this.  He is doing better, yes, that’s true.  He went outside this afternoon, walked around the yard and did some stretching out.  That was good to see.

And after he came inside, he got some water in the dining room water bowl.  I was sitting next to the window on the cedar chest and he stepped down onto my lap, then he laid down on my lap.  It was a big “awwww” moment.  I hope he gets better.  Keep that white energy flowing his way.  He deserves something better than he’s had.  Thanks…..

This morning, I caught Little Bit trying to climb the fence back at the corner of the yard by the pool.  I thought she wanted to escape, but then it dawned on me that she wasn’t the only cat hanging in that corner.  Benny was down there, Pete was down there and one of the red boys was down there, too.  There was something in that corner in the fishtail palm that had all of their attention.  Lizards?  We’ve had a lot of lizards in the yard (too late for me to save them).  Birds? That tree has lots of seed pods.  Whatever it was, I wasn’t thrilled to see her climbing that fence. 

Tonight when I got her in, she was reluctant to go into her hole.  So, I pulled out the dirty bedding and put in clean.  An hour or so later, she was still outside.  She tried going back in, but it was already occupado.  By Jackson.  He left, I don’t know if she went back in, though.  She’s very territorial.  But she did let me get pretty close to her tonight.  I wasn’t gonna reach out and try to pet her, but I was within two feet of her and she didn’t skitter away.  Progress!

KittyMeeze isn’t here yet.  He was here late last night with Carla.  Then nothing this morning and nothing today.  I have to get used to the idea that someday, he might be gone for good.  I told Brian tonight if that ever happens, that we won’t put food out anymore.  It would be different if Carla was a regular, but she isn’t. She obviously had another food source and I’m thinking KittyMeeze is right there with her.  I hate thinking along these lines, but I have to be realistic.  I’d love to catch him, but he won’t go into a trap and there’s no way of knowing when he’ll be here lately.

Well, I’m kind of behind with my cat chores.  Litterboxes are done, cats are fed, but DeeJay hasn’t had his fluids.  Bad me. I should do it before it gets too late.  Oh, and it’s an even day. Ciara gets a pill.

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lisaviolet is seventy something, married with no kids, takes care of lots of cats, likes taking photographs, loves Southern California weather and spends altogether too much time avoiding her responsibilities.

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