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      Thursday, December 26, 2019

08:50 AM - 12/26/2019

The topic: You know what’s really cool?


I'll tell ya what's really cool.

A few years ago, we had to get a new washing machine. We needed a new one because the one we were using, was a Samsung top loader that we got in 2014.

Remember the Samsung machines that made the news because they exploded? We had one. Samsung offered a settlement amount. One amount if you just got the settlement or if you decided to get a new machine, a Samsung, the amount was substantially larger. I had all of the rebate forms I needed that I'd received from Samsung, kept them in the white envelope they were sent in.

We got the new machine, actually upgrading to a pretty nice machine and, of course, we got the matching Samsung dryer. More than I expected, more than I needed, actually, but that's how Brian rolls. And on both of them, we got the extended warranty.

Fast forward to now. The washing machine is really noisy when it spins. The dryer is even worse. And on the dryer, the little window with the time left or the error messages, has always had some condensation in it. Earlier this year, the lights around the knob where you choose your settings have started to go out. Not all of them, so I can find a setting with a light, then move it so many to the left or right, depending on which setting I want to use.

Oh, and it does the child lock setting on its own. That's always fun.

The dryer has been noisy for a while. Yeah, I'd think about the warranty, but just put it on the back burner because the thing still dried clothes, it was just noisy. After all, the television has a volume button, I can always make that louder, right?

Tuesday, I had a load in the washer. The spin cycle started and the machine was pretty loud as it compensated for an uneven load. Woke the dog up. He stood at attention, looking in the direction of the laundry room. There was a little growling. After the cycle was finished, I put the clothing in the dryer. It starts off okay, but as it runs, it just gets louder.

Brian comes in. "Have you checked on getting the dryer fixed?"


I figure maybe I should do it. I start looking for the receipt. Now, my usual method of keeping receipts is stapling them to the manual. And I know where the manuals are. I find them. No receipt.

Okay. I'll need to look at the statement from Lowes. Not a problem. When did we buy these? Dunno. I thought in 2018, but there's nothing in the file. Crap. I opened Quickbooks and did a search for Lowes. We usually didn't spend that much, so I looked for payments and there were some sizable ones in February, March and April.  I narrowed the purchase date down to the beginning of 2017.

Brian pulled the 2017 Lowe's file from the rafters in the shop. I found a copy of the receipt, but not the actual receipts.

My problem at this point is I didn't know which warranty we got. Did we go with the additional two years or four years on top of the manufacturer's one year? Dunno. The copy of the receipt doesn't say. But we do have a purchase date. January 7, 2017.

If we got the additional two years, then I have a couple of weeks to get this taken care of. It's Christmas Eve. Should I call on this? Find out for sure? I look at the clock. I check the closing time on the Lowe's website. Seven eastern. It's about 3:30 here. I call.

Talked to a really nice guy, he looked it up and we bought the additional four year warranty. And both machines are officially registered under our phone number. I will be calling them next month for maintenance.

I finally figured out I put all of the paperwork in the white envelope I got from Samsung. I had to send in the forms to get the rebate.

But where did I put that envelope? No idea. I checked my 2017 and 2018 files. I checked my storage containers. I checked my file slots were I keep miscellaneous paperwork. No luck.

It's surely a mystery. But it's pretty cool that they're still under warranty.

warranty    samsung   

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lisaviolet is seventy something, married with no kids, takes care of lots of cats, likes taking photographs, loves Southern California weather and spends altogether too much time avoiding her responsibilities.

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