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      Thursday, August 08, 2013

02:34 PM - 08/08/2013

The topic: Yeah, so you’ve got my email address and my password….


So what? You think you're gonna go over and login to my WalMart account and buy some Boost phone minutes with a totally new credit card that you've input and change my street address and phone number? A street address in Georgia and a phone number in central California? Ya think? And ya think you're gonna do that two days in a row, thinking I won't notice, that WalMart won't let me know how to pick up my minutes for my phone? Seriously?

Well, that's what happened. The first notification I got I thought "well, that's gotta be a scam thing" and I just deleted it. Then I got a second one the next day. Okay, now I'm concerned. I check my WalMart account, when I found what had been done. It was too late to contact WalMart, they quit taking calls after eight, so I called first thing the next morning. I'd already changed my password.

I explained the situation to the CSR and he said "well, I'll contact the proper department and those minutes will be canceled, thank you for letting us know".

Then I set up a new email account and changed my WalMart account to the brand new email account.

That next week I was checking out my Netflix queue (we get one video at a time) and I was asked "how did you like this movie?" I never saw that movie, I didn't know why I was being asked this. I go into my account information and check the streaming videos I've "watched". Oh, look at this. A whole week's worth of hours each day of watching streaming Netflix. Great. I change my password and email address.

I call Netflix. Tell them the situation. The rep looks at my account. "Do you have an XBox 360??"  Nope. "I'll go ahead and remove that device. You'll have to re-activate your Roku".

At least I wasn't out any money. But I'm seriously considering having a seperate email account and password for every place I login. And if something gets hacked, I'll know exactly which account was hacked.


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lisaviolet is seventy something, married with no kids, takes care of lots of cats, likes taking photographs, loves Southern California weather and spends altogether too much time avoiding her responsibilities.

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