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      Wednesday, March 16, 2022

01:34 PM - 03/16/2022

The topic: Yay, me.


I just spent some time raking up the murder balls that fall from the Liquid Amber tree. Holy crap, those things hurt when you step on them barefoot. We seem to have an incredible harvest of them this year. It's hot, though, so I quit. I worked on the areas where I'd be most likely to walk, barefoot (which I try really hard not to do anymore, always have an old pair of slip on Skechers nearby).

So, the little cat crafts turned out nicely. I found a similar set from a different designer on thingiverse. I was sharing this link with facebook when I noticed the files are no longer available because they were supposed to be for non-commercial use, you know, don't sell them. But people would make and sell them so the designer took the files down.

Luckily, I saved them last summer! They'll go nicely with the ones I just finished. You can see them here.

Anyway, here they are. I did have a hard time trying to figure out the background. I tried coloring the areas I wanted different on a white sheet of paper and thought I could just place the 3D print over that, but it wasn't very easy. I couldn't seem to get the holes in the print to line up with the colors on the sheet. I did the next best thing. I colored sheets of paper and cut them to fit behind the holes in the print and glued them in place. Then I cut a piece of cardstock to the size of the print and glued that onto the back of the print. I like how they came out.

I think they look good in that spot. Now I'll have to figure out where to put the other three, once I get those done.

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lisaviolet is seventy something, married with no kids, takes care of lots of cats, likes taking photographs, loves Southern California weather and spends altogether too much time avoiding her responsibilities.

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