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      Sunday, August 11, 2013

02:39 PM - 08/11/2013

The topic: Yay!


Yesterday I made all the payment entries into the check register for FitRite. Today, I got all the invoicing done that needed to be done (we've already been paid, I don't generate an invoice until the widgets are shipped). Forty-five invoices. They get emailed to the customer and I print them out for my files and attach them to all the paperwork (quote sheet, work sheet, payment sheet and shipping receipt - which all started out in their own messed up piles since I've not been keeping on top of them) and then I file them.

Now if a customer has a question about his link, I won't get frustrated digging through a pile of paperwork looking for it while Brian stands there waiting. I can just point at the drawer and tell him it should be in there. (I could have done that all along, but I knew the stuff wasn't in there....)

Now, four months of bank reconciliation!  I thought there was only two months until I started opening mail. Yay!  The most fun stuff in the world!

Not really.

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lisaviolet is seventy something, married with no kids, takes care of lots of cats, likes taking photographs, loves Southern California weather and spends altogether too much time avoiding her responsibilities.

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