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      Saturday, November 26, 2011

08:23 AM - 11/26/2011

The topic: WTF?


Brian’s up at the property this weekend, so I’m here alone. He used to go all the time, then because of the ferals and how worried I got, he kind of quit going so often.  There are no ferals any more and since he’s been so busy with his glass company and his hydraulic business, he figured he could use the time away and go work up there. It’s good for him, he enjoys it very much and it helps to decompress him.

Last night went smoothly, I’d planned on watching the Lord of the Rings trilogy on Encore, but watched the Dresden Files on the Roku instead. I had a baked potato for dinner, got all of the cats in and Brian called around 6:30 and said he’d eaten and was beat.  There’s not much up there after dark, he has to run the generator to watch television and he hadn’t brought anything to read. He said he’d probably just go to bed.

When the cats pushed me off of the loveseat (where Brian usually lays down, there were six cats on the sofa) I went to bed and watched TV in there.  There was nothing on.  As usual.  I got up a couple of times during the night, that potato came back with a vengence around 2:30.  I hate this, I want my body to hurry up and be adjusted to the loss of the gallbladder.

I got up around five and let the cats out, I was surprised to see Monica already out.  Hadn’t I seen her in the window last night?  Oh, well, no harm, no foul.  I went back to bed, got up around seven this morning, late for me.  I opened up the house then went into the garage to get the morning kibble for the cats and was puzzled to see the cat door flap to outside laying on the floor.  The hard plastic part.  Well, that would explain how Monica got out, but how did it get pulled off?  It’s in there tight.  I went over to get the kibble and the fountain was filthy!  It had been pulled apart and the water was nasty, brown, just gross.  The cats were all curious and sniffing around that area and it dawned on me.

We had an overnight visitor.  Most likely a raccoon. I’m glad it made its way out the door before I had a chance to see it, I’d have been very, very excited. And not in a good way.  *lol*

I got the door fixed, the fountain is ready to be cleaned in the kitchen.

And I’m gonna go to Jack in the Box for a breakfast Jack combo.

Then redo all these cords in the office.  Fun.

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lisaviolet is seventy something, married with no kids, takes care of lots of cats, likes taking photographs, loves Southern California weather and spends altogether too much time avoiding her responsibilities.

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