It’s raining, it’s raining! I love it when it’s raining!
Gonna go finish muh coffee, take a shower, then sit in my rocking chair and do some reading. I’ve got tons of hardcover Stephen King books that I’ve bought over the years that I never read, as well as the John Nichols trilogy that includes the Milagro Beanfield War, the Nirvana Blues and the Magic Journey. I’ve read the Milagro Beanfield War a couple of times and it always tickles me, so I’ll be tackling the other two when I finish my current book. Maybe.
Before the internet I was a prolific reader and I miss reading, I really do.
I started the “Black House” a few years ago and just last week picked it back up and started over from the beginning. I like it.
And I’m also getting back into cooking. I cleaned out the cupboards in the kitchen that I had cookbooks and recipes in, made them all neat and changed out the cookbooks I’ve never opened with ones I’m more likely to use (like the canned soup cookbooks and the crockpot cookbooks).
I’m also busy replacing some of my small appliances. I used to store them in the pantry, but something weird happened in there, I don’t know exactly what it was, I know a can of tomato sauce exploded a few years back, but whatever happened, all of the blades on my processor oxidized and no way, no how did I intend on using those ever again. So, I dumped them when I did the cleaning in September.
I got away from cooking because I didn’t like the cleanup, but you know, now that I’m older, cleanup doesn’t seem to take so long as it used to. And a clean kitchen is much more inviting than a kitchen with dishes stacked in the sink.
Oh, the wonders of age. And the internet. *lol*
I’ve been after Brian to get some new flannel shirts. Most of the ones he has have arms that are too short now. They barely fit when he got them (for cheap, I think some of them came from WalMart) and now, after many washings and a little weight gain on his part, he looks like a nine year old boy, wearing a six year old’s shirt.
Last night, after I did the dinner dishes (barbequed chicken (crockpot style), barbeque beans (canned style) and cornbread (from a mix)) I came back to the office to find him shopping for clothes at Duluth Trading Company. We got him checked out (he thought he’d registered with them before, but it wasn’t so) and I saw the total. I just laughed.
I sat down at my computer and started shutting it down. I said “you know, it’s really easy to spend a lot of money when you don’t have to carry all the stuff you buy…shopping online is just too darned easy”. Those shopping carts can get filled up mighty fast. “Oh, I want one of those and one of those and I absolutely have to have one of these….”
He agreed.