The tomato seeds have germinated and have popped up through the soil!
Both the Indigo and beefsteak have begun their journey from seed to fruit. I'm excited. This hot weather we've had this week is probably the main reason. In previous years, when planted into the ground, they didn't come up this quickly. Or the bugs ate them before they had the chance.
Smartass Brian said "we'll be having homegrown tomatoes next week"...
Now, when the peppers pop through, I'll be doing cartwheels.
Yeah, no, that's not ever going to happen.
But this was a great start to my Friday.
I'm a farmer!
And the avocado trees are just crazy full with fruit. Of course, we're having the drop off (when the immature fruit falls off because the tree can't sustain all that's there), but both trees are just crazy full. One of the things Brian and I have been going back and forth on is the watering schedule. I'm all "screw the lawn, water the trees". He's "water the trees and the lawn." I'm all "a green lawn is nice on bare feet, but we have that tree that drops those pods that will kill you if you step on them, so lawn doesn't matter...healthy avocados...that's where it's at".
He just pulled the last two fruits from last year's growing. So, it's gonna be a while before we have some from the yard.
Oh, yeah, and over on Facebook I saw a meme where someone's dad stocked up on snacks for the kid's visit home. One of the things dad was excited to have was a guacomole ball. Yeah. Guacamole ball. IOW, an avocado.
We have two trees full of guacamole balls...I like it.