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      Wednesday, September 26, 2018

07:21 AM - 09/26/2018

The topic: Whiskers


I've noticed since hitting menopause, I'm losing my body hair.

I still have fine hair on my arms, I can see it in the sun. But it's not where I can pinch it and pull it up, it's not obvious hair.

My legs have lost a lot of hair as well. The inner side of my calves have about twenty-thirty dark hairs on each one. The hair in my armpits has thinned out a lot. I don't shave anymore. No reason.

I don't get new eyebrow hair. I learned a while back to stop plucking them because it's not growing back. I understand why old women (I'm there now) draw theirs on (not me). They've plucked them into oblivion. No, I don't pluck my eyebrows, I trim them. If I didn't, I'd look like Larry Hagman or Andy Rooney.

My private area has also gotten pretty thin. Just weird stuff that you don't really pay much attention to until one day, you do. And it's "Hey! Where's my hair?"

But. The chin. The upper lip. For some reason, they've gotten hairier. Or maybe not hairier, but the hair has changed consistency. On my upper lip, at the corners of my mouth, are many, many little fine black hairs. And sometimes they get long and I can play with them with my tongue. Which is a "whoa" moment when you realize what you're doing. Fast trip to the bathroom, where the tweezers are in easy reach, I'm sorry, but using my tongue to play with this hair is just nasty.  Pluck!

And my chin actually has whiskers of guy consistency. Not the soft, sweet fur of a lady, but of a rough, tough he man. I have about five or six of those. And they grow fast. And, I'll find myself watching television, pulling on my whiskers. And once again, we hit that "WHAT THE HELL AM I DOING?" point. And another run into the bathroom to remove said whiskers. I have a magnifying mirror with lights. But I usually end up getting the lamp down, turning it on and placing it under my chin and my reading glasses and pull those things out one by one.

There has to be a better way. I'm not shaving. I will not shave my mustache or my beard. I won't do it.

I've been looking for one of those little things that you turn on and it rips the hair out by the root. I've been looking for a couple of years now. And the ones I found were out of my price range. Tweezing is free.

Well, a couple of weeks ago, I got this notice in my email from Morningsave.com. I ordered one.  I was so excited when it got here. I charged it up for about an hour, put on the epilator head and let that puppy roll. No lotion or anything, just let her rip.

The pain!  The pain! It wasn't so bad on my chin, but my upper lip, holy spit, it hurt. But the results....oh, like a baby's bottom. Days later, I'm still running my hand softly over my chin...no stubble...

Yes, I needed this. I really needed this.

I must admit… this one made me laugh… I could relate to some of it… but… thankfully ... my hair is very light colored LOL

Posted by Turtle Lover @ Wednesday, September 26, 2018 - 8:14:56 AM

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lisaviolet is seventy something, married with no kids, takes care of lots of cats, likes taking photographs, loves Southern California weather and spends altogether too much time avoiding her responsibilities.

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