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      Saturday, August 22, 2009

08:47 AM - 08/22/2009

The topic: When I was at CostCo


the other day, I needed to get bread.  I got a two pack, whole wheat, split top.  And then I saw this other bread that just the name started me salivating.

It was Milton’s Blueberry bread. I bought a loaf.

When I got home and everything was put away, I opened it and ate a piece.  Didn’t toast it, didn’t butter it, just ate it.  And it was good.  So good, I had another piece.  I’ve done very well at limiting myself.

So, I tell Brian when he got home “hey, try that bread, it’s really good”.  He tried it. He liked it.  He said it tasted like blueberry muffins.

Last night, after our sad dinner of tortilla chips with melted cheese and refried beans (he’d been thinking about making tacos, but got home too late and the corn tortillas hadn’t defrosted completely; but truthfully, I do really like the tortilla chips and cheese, could eat that a couple of times a week for meals), I caught him eating blueberry bread.  I asked him “are you eating two slices at a time?”  He said “yep”.

I had to laugh.

Sounds yummy.  I had a potato chip/ice cream dinner the other night, so the Tortilla chip dinner sounds normal to me!

Posted by Sniffie and the Florida Furkids @ Saturday, August 22, 2009 - 9:33:30 AM

I think I’ve tried that bread, it’s soooo good.
Did you try it toasted yet?
They had another bread, cranberry orange, that was even better if you can believe it.  I haven’t seen it in awhile.

Posted by Naf @ Saturday, August 22, 2009 - 9:47:37 AM

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lisaviolet is seventy something, married with no kids, takes care of lots of cats, likes taking photographs, loves Southern California weather and spends altogether too much time avoiding her responsibilities.

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