She's a shy eater. If she's eating and I start to open the cage door, she bolts.
Which makes me wonder if this could be one of the reasons she's so thin. Being chased away from what little food was available.
I wonder about her hearing. If I snap my fingers over her head, she doesn't show any signs of having heard. Like looking up. Hmmmm.
She's finally sleeping and deeply. This morning I opened the cage door, pulled out the litterbox, cleaned it out and slid it back in and she didn't twitch. Which also makes me wonder about her hearing.
She likes tuna and she likes chicken. She really likes water, I wonder if she got much before.
I still haven't held her, the only time I have picked her up was when I took her out of the cage at the vet's office and she wasn't happy about it. I know she's very affectionate, last night I sat in front of the cage with the door open and I petted her for over a half hour. She didn't seem anxious at all. But it was on her terms.
Little tiny girl....