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      Saturday, October 14, 2017

09:10 AM - 10/14/2017

The topic: We’re home


Without Rory. We had to leave her there. For two days.

Lots of tests being run (bloodwork), x-rays (stomach and maybe chest), she'll be getting hydrated, medicine to help settle her stomach and pain meds as well. And flea treatment. Since she has fleas.

Possible problems mentioned were diabetes, kidney disease, pancreatitis and cancer (which there is no test for).

She's missing lots of teeth and what's left are in bad shape.

While we waited for the official estimate, Rory responded nicely to both of us. She even did the butt lift when I scratched her back. She rubbed against me and purred. She loved the attention she was getting from both Brian and me.  It was hard to leave her there, but she needs help that she can't get here at home.

Brian was nervous about the cost, but when I told him what the low/high estimates were ($1400/$2000) he didn't balk. We had to pay half of the low end in advance.

Which was really nice when the clerk gave us the senior discount. I'm a year short, but she went ahead and gave it to us anyway. 

Keep her in your good thoughts and prayers. She's really a nice cat. And she's only eleven years old.

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lisaviolet is seventy something, married with no kids, takes care of lots of cats, likes taking photographs, loves Southern California weather and spends altogether too much time avoiding her responsibilities.

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