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      Tuesday, April 28, 2020

11:13 AM - 04/28/2020

The topic: We’re doin’ okay.


It's just that this year has had such horrible, nasty weather and I don't feel like doing anything other than flipping channels. lol

Seriously. Candy Crush Saga messed with the free boosters and gold build up, so I cut way back on that, for some reason I'm having a hard time focusing to get started on a book (probably because I have so many other things I need to do, I feel guilty and can't let myself get into it), it's too cold or too humid to do a decent house clean. A nice day, oh, my leg hurts...I just don't feel like doing anything.

There was a week that we had a few nice days and Yay! I got the windows, screens and sliding doors all cleaned! It had been years. Brian's too busy with work and I had the borked hip. At least a year it was too hard to walk, another year of recuperation after the surgery. I was ready, but I like wide open windows and sun when I clean. And that's done!

When we got the TCL television that came loaded with Roku, I was able to set the old Wii up. Since the clouds went away and I've had more energy, I stepped on the balance board last week and thought it would be great to actually start using it again on a regular basis. So, I sat on the couch, not doing anything but thinking about which way I wanted to go here. I didn't like all the cords and cables hanging around the television (this is the one Brian hung on the fireplace, the one we use as a digital frame, cheaper and bigger than an actual branded digital frame). I didn't like the Wii sitting on my worktable. I think I kinda remember something that might work.

I went over to Amazon and looked for clamp on keyboard shelves. I found one that is twenty inches wide and ordered it (it cost more than the twenty-seven inch shelf!). I set it up the day after it got here (well, Brian had to push it in since the clamp barely spread wide enough apart to slide on the worktable) and it will work. Now, for the cords and cables. I dug through the box of stuff I saved from when we replaced the "big" television (maybe 40")- the new tv (new technology) that the Wii (old technology) didn't work on and found an RCA cable that would work to extend the connection from the Wii to the Roku tv and actually found an extension cable for the sensor bar on Amazon. Everything is now set up nicely.

And on Saturday, I put the 3D printer we got from Woot back in January together. It had been in the box since and I didn't put it together because I didn't know where we would put it when it was together. That and the box was on my sewing machine that I didn't use, because who knows why. Since January, I didn't use it because Lorelei slept on the 3D printer box, but now that was gone.

And I'm gonna need a mask if I leave the house (starting Friday, it's an all the time thing). I have fabric. I know I have elastic. Somewhere.

I moved Botti (the botvac, because those things are a bigger PITA than they're worth when you have to move furniture to get everything vacuumed) to the garage. He had been plugged in and charging under the sewing machine with a box over him (because cats) for years. But I realized last month that it was quicker to just get the big vacuum out and use that. And it does a better job. I'd probably feel differently if I didn't have to move furniture, though.

Anyway, now that the sewing machine was accessible, I started it up and couldn't remember how to thread it. Google is my friend and I did a quick little seam on a fabric scrap and it's good to go.

Now, the elastic? It's in the extra room. The room where unfolded laundry went to die. lol...and boxes and just junk. That's my next project. Hopefully I'll have it done by next week. There's a real, live telescope in there that needs to be assembled! I got started on it, but never finished. That will be done. And when that room is cleaned up, I'll move the 3D printer into that room and off of the nightstand in the bedroom. Lots of ideas. A day at a time.

The cats are doing as well as can be expected. They're getting old and slowing down. Mario saw the vet last week (my first trip out of the house in the car since February 26, the day we rushed Lorelei to the vet for that seizure, none since) and the vet upped his blood pressure meds. He's three months shy of twenty years old and is still as affectionate as ever.

Little Bitty Dog is a full blown member of the house now. Not on his guard at all. He's settled in nicely. I made a really sweet card for his old owner, I need to take video of how fun it is.

That's something else I've doing, watching a lot of craft porn online (not nasty), just tutorial videos of new and exciting (to me) methods of card making. Did you know you can actually make cards that light up? With Chibitronics. And Lawn Fawn has the most fun card stamps and dies. Interactive cards. Who'd have even thought of such a thing? I sure didn't and I have a ton of stuff I want to make now.

For some reason, orders for Brian's company have really picked up. No idea why. I'm being cautious at this point because I'm afraid that people will realize they need the money and cancel their orders. Brian said most of his clients are retired and have an income that's pretty much assured. Maybe they're spending their incentive money. Maybe. But maybe not. So, no big expenses for us, we'll still order off of the dollar menu at the drive through.

This virus. Our lives haven't changed all that much. We're not social folks to begin with. When his mom was alive, we'd go out to dinner once in a while, but it's just us and his brother and SIL and we really don't have much in common. Brian and I would go to dinner a couple of times a year, breakfast at Denny's at least once a month. Maybe the first movie on a Sunday when there was something we wanted to see. Trips to Costco or Smart & Final grocery a couple of times a month.

So, things really haven't changed that much for us. When the wearing of the mask became a thing, we couldn't find anything and I ended up buying some green 22" x 22" cloth napkins on Amazon. He wears those when he goes shopping or has to go pick up supplies for the company. And I did find my elastic in the extra room so I can make masks. I have some sweet Disney fabric, but Brian let me know that he wouldn't wear those.

That's it for now. I'm hoping to keep getting mentally in a better place than I've been. The sun sure helps. My depression, if that's what you could call it, manifested more as a loss of interest in just about anything. And now, maybe because for the first time in years I can actually do something without pain or fear of popping the new hip out, I can actually make some progress.

And have some fun.

wii    mario    catstuff    cards   

Obviously I don’t check on your blog as much as I used to .... but I do appreciate your updates when you do post them grin
Disney masks sound fun. My mother in law made us some with cats we get lots of compliments.
Stay safe and have fun with your craft porn LOL

Posted by Turtle Lover @ Sunday, May 03, 2020 - 6:31:54 AM

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lisaviolet is seventy something, married with no kids, takes care of lots of cats, likes taking photographs, loves Southern California weather and spends altogether too much time avoiding her responsibilities.

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