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      Wednesday, October 17, 2007

12:12 PM - 10/17/2007

The topic: Wally update


He hasn't thrown up since Monday night. That's a good thing. I got to see him yesterday.


Wally, Tuesday 10-16-07

He looked pretty bad.  Better than he did Monday night, but not good. Of course, he’s on some heavy duty painkillers and antibiotics right now.  He did purr up a storm for me. Today, he looked about the same as yesterday, but less yellow. Which I think means something is working as it should.

The vet was concerned about fluid in his abdomen, which is a potentially bad sign. She wanted to have an x-ray taken of his chest, to make sure there wasn’t any problem with his heart/lungs.  There isn’t.  She does want to do another ultrasound and to test the fluids in his belly.  She drew them this morning and it takes about twenty-four hours for test results (they send these out).   The concern now is cancer.

If it’s cancer, she said they could do chemotherapy, that surgery wouldn’t be an option (I told her “no” to the liver biopsy suggestion this morning, because I don’t feel he’s up to another round of anesthetic like he got when they put the tube in; I think that’s what she wanted me to say, but she had to put the option out there). 

So, that’s the latest. We’re still not sure he’s going to survive this.

And if you want to donate to the fund, feel free.  The links are at the bottom of the page, both Paypal and Amazon, just specify for Wally’s care.  My mom said she’d help out.  I’m an only child, so there won’t be any fighting with siblings about spending their inheritance.

Thank you for keeping us updated.  Only positive thoughts and prayers for Wally!

Posted by May Ellen @ Wednesday, October 17, 2007 - 12:33:55 PM

I am praying up a storm for tour darling Wally.  I’d love to be able to contribute, and here is the but, but I am having my own vet and care bills with an FIV boy, a cardiomyopathy (incurable) girl, 9 cats in the process of dental (one old gal had all teeth extracted bar 3 canines and is doing much better) and worst of all - it’s coming up to prime Australian Kitten season and we are madly catching and desexing colonies…. and rehoming or fostering kittens as well as we can…. we have started a mandatory desexing party (political party that is….) anyway - my heart adn thoughts are with you anyway!
Take care,

Posted by Kerry LSM & Kitties Mum @ Friday, October 19, 2007 - 3:03:01 AM

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lisaviolet is seventy something, married with no kids, takes care of lots of cats, likes taking photographs, loves Southern California weather and spends altogether too much time avoiding her responsibilities.

In her spare time, she makes pretty things to sell in her store.

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