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      Monday, January 20, 2014

02:13 PM - 01/20/2014

The topic: Very happy with the end product


Very happy! hmm

Here's what I did! (As usual, clicking on the photo will take you to a larger image.)

First, I made the blanket. I used a simple pattern with three colors, then chained one around the entire blanket, then a row of double crochet, then a shell stitch. 


Then I took a bunch of pictures of the blanket, found the most usable one and cropped the image and made a graphic using Paint Shop Pro and printed it out one 12" x 12" cardstock. And to keep it pretty on the inside, I flipped the paper over and printed the other side with a checkerboard pattern, using colors I took from the blanket graphic.

Here they are against a plain white sheet of cardstock for comparison.

I used the large bag from the Happy Holidays Kit from SVGCuts for this bag.   

The inside:

And the blanket out of the bag. I wrapped the blanket in green tissue paper for gifting.

I think they both turned out nicely, I'll be doing this again. 

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lisaviolet is seventy something, married with no kids, takes care of lots of cats, likes taking photographs, loves Southern California weather and spends altogether too much time avoiding her responsibilities.

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