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      Monday, December 27, 2021

07:00 AM - 12/27/2021

The topic: Two months! Two months since I updated?


Wow. Yay me.

Nothing really exciting. The mini-Avengers were all fixed the day before Thanksgiving. Originally, the date was set for December 6th, but our vet, who was very pregnant at the time, pushed it forward because she was a little concerned about the delivery date for her baby. Good thing she did. We found out last week, she had a baby girl on December 7th. I made the most adorable little tags for each carrier (six carriers!). They're like ID cards. They're plastic and have photos and names on one side, our information on the other. The kittens were finally given outdoor access on the 11th. Yay! They really like it outside. They've learned the cat door and are getting used to the idea that the door doesn't work right after the sun has set. They can only come in, not go out. We feel they're not quite acclimated to outdoors just yet. A few more months.

This past week wasn't fun for them because of the rain. Even yesterday when it was mostly cloudy, no rain, they stayed indoors. But this morning, they're back out and in the ferns and all over the tractors. Using up some of that energy they have.

No babies here, though.

Bobby was diagnosed with thyroid problems last week so we're in the process of getting the meds adjusted.

I spent the past couple of months working on the holiday cards. If I wasn't physically working on them, I was thinking about how to do what I wanted to do. Made some time consuming (and media consuming) mistakes. Nothing I didn't already have the but time suck was a bummer. I had to take breaks because my back was hurting pretty badly at times (back when I was sixteen a drunk driver ran a stop sign and broadsided our car - back then, in the seventies, seat belts weren't a thing and I was laying down in the back seat, right where he hit our car and my back was broken; there is arthritis in that area now). But once I got the mechanism working the way I wanted and all the pieces were cut out, the process actually went pretty smoothly.  It was the prep that was killer.

The dog is doing well, he likes his little jacket so much I bought him a few more. The ones that velcro around his neck and tummy are fine with him, but I can send that sweater, the one his paws go in, to the landfill, as far as he's concerned. He wouldn't move. It wasn't that he couldn't, but he wouldn't. He actually didn't even eat for the day he had it on. I took the thing off and he was right over to his food bowl.

The company is also pretty busy, a lot of paperwork lately and keeping up with it is keeping me on my toes. But it helps the mind work, so it's good.

And that's the update for now. I have many photos, many videos that I need to edit and I'll put them up. This week I have a bunch of stuff I need to send back to Amazon and Bobby will need his meds refilled. Once everything settles back into a routine, I'll start posting on a more regular basis,

craftstuff    catstuff   

I’m looking forward to pictures grin

Posted by Turtle Lover @ Tuesday, December 28, 2021 - 5:28:11 AM

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lisaviolet is seventy something, married with no kids, takes care of lots of cats, likes taking photographs, loves Southern California weather and spends altogether too much time avoiding her responsibilities.

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