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      Monday, January 13, 2014

03:40 PM - 01/13/2014

The topic: Timing is everything


So, the mail gets here this afternoon, our cable television/internet bill is here. 

There's a notice it's going up effective January 14th. I do the math, it will be going up a total of $13.99, which seems like a lot for one month. Changes are listed out. I see that their Contour service is actually getting a price reduction, from $10.00 down to zero. Curious about the Contour service, I call.

Of course, I can't call straight through, our Magic Jack service says we have to pay to get that exchange. No problem, I use my Google Voice number. I get through. I ask my question and I'm transferred. I find out that the Contour isn't really advantageous for us, then I ask about the price lock in for our account. (It hasn't gone up in quite a while.) The woman checks and said we didn't have it so our rate would be going up. I tell her I'd like to get it. She says "wow, the rate increase takes effect tomorrow, so if you get this lock in today, your rate won't go up, you lucked out". Indeed I did.

It's good for twenty-four months. Woohoo! 


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lisaviolet is seventy something, married with no kids, takes care of lots of cats, likes taking photographs, loves Southern California weather and spends altogether too much time avoiding her responsibilities.

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