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      Thursday, March 08, 2018

08:25 AM - 03/08/2018

The topic: This will be nice


You know I pulled the catcams offline. No one was watching them. Months after they were gone, I had a couple of people ask me where they were. I let the domain go, it has a new owner and he has a cat or two. I think.

Anyway, I kept the backyard cam. The one that the viewer could watch and move. But then, technology moves forward and bad actors take advantage of old applications so that the software that ran it was no longer considered secure and the hoops someone needed to jump through to view the live version were just crazy.

Then the little machine that made it move froze. I couldn't get it to move at all. It's on the roof and I can't do anything with it at this point.

All that you could see is a tree. A image that changes every thirty seconds of that same view of that same tree.

Well, yesterday I mentioned that I'd like to try to unfreeze the remote and at the same time, try to get the rain gauge thing for the weather station working again (I think it's stuck).

Brian said to look for an outdoor camera and he'd change it out. Then I pointed to one of the Foscam wifi cameras I have and asked if maybe that would fit in the glass globe. He said it would.

So, I don't need to spend money on a camera. This is one of the cameras I use when I watch a cat I think is sick. Like when Skippy was in the bathroom. I could watch him without bothering him.

Last night, I took the old camera offline.

I figured out how to send the image to the website with the newer camera, but the streaming might not be an option. If I could figure out how to limit the viewing time, it would be a lot easier, but just having it run for however long would probably quickly use up my alloted bandwidth.  I'll keep researching the options, but at least I'll have a camera that doesn't just point at the tree. 

And if it rains, I hope I'll get an accurate measurement.



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lisaviolet is seventy something, married with no kids, takes care of lots of cats, likes taking photographs, loves Southern California weather and spends altogether too much time avoiding her responsibilities.

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