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      Thursday, February 08, 2018

06:59 AM - 02/08/2018

The topic: This past week has been dull


Tired of looking at the nasty ass floor, I decided it was time to do something about it. Monday, I did the family room, dining room, kitchen and laundry room. I was using the Floormate, the SpinScrubber model. And it sounded horrible. It didn't get better two days later when I did the bedroom and the hallways. Yeah, I could smell it getting hot and it wasn't picking up the dirty water.

So, I got out the other Floormate, the deluxe model. Awesome at putting the water down, really bad at sucking it up. I'm pretty sure part of that is the tile floors. The machine can't keep a solid connection to the floor because of the grout. At least that's what I tell myself. Maybe if I'd kept on top of keeping the floors clean, it wouldn't really be all that noticeable. It did suck up some of the dirty water, it was in the tank.

So, I did what I always do. I ordered a new machine from Amazon. And then I used microfiber towels and went over the hallways again. I'll most likely rewash the floors with the machine this weekend.

And I also added a three year warranty. Yeah, I beat these machines up.

Yesterday, we went to the radiation clinic where Brian had to go in for the simulation. Where they do a CATSCAN of the area where the cancer is and they'll know where to aim the beam. And he got tattooed! Three of them! So, they'll know where to aim, I guess. I haven't seen the tattoos. I guess they're just the size of a pin. lol!

It only took a half hour to get there, the simulation was supposed to be an hour, but I waited almost two hours for Brian to get done. Note to anyone who may have to deal with this in the future....bladder full, bowels empty. No one told Brian about that. Well, the doctor did mention the full bladder thing.....

And that's why it took longer than it was scheduled for. This will most likely be the last time I go with him. The next thirty-nine times it will just be him.

I'm really happy with myself, I'm keeping up with paperwork! No backlog of invoices or new customer setups. I get those done in the morning before I actually start the day, and it's easier to do that way. So far.

Oh, and I ordered a thing to wash windows from Amazon. It's a squeegee on one side and a washable cover on the other. I also ordered a five foot pole to go with it. The windows really need to be washed, I haven't done it in over a year. The inside isn't such a big deal, but the outside, well, I'm just not in the best shape to be climbing up and down on a stool. Looking forward to clean windows, for sure.

I have a bunch of cardstock to cut and I didn't start because I really wanted to do some cleaning. Well, I did some cleaning! Guess what I'm doing today?

floormate    cancer    brian   

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lisaviolet is seventy something, married with no kids, takes care of lots of cats, likes taking photographs, loves Southern California weather and spends altogether too much time avoiding her responsibilities.

In her spare time, she makes pretty things to sell in her store.

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