Yesterday morning I noticed the weather laptop had rebooted the afternoon before. The problem was that the two applications that it runs, weren't running. The photos from the roof that are sent to the weather page every fifteen seconds weren't sent and the weather station itself wasn't updated as it should have been. And that sucked because we had the coldest morning we've had in years.
So, I did some research and found possible ways of the system bypassing the login page (stupid for us, there's no one here but Brian and me) and having programs automatically run at startup. I figured I'd work on that later. When I was thinking about this yesterday afternoon, I realized it would be a lot easier to do if I had a keyboard for the laptop. The laptop is raised and out of the way, it doesn't have a battery (eBay purchase a while back) and has to be plugged in. It runs 24/7. All of the USB ports are taken (geek stuff, fans, mouse, VGA to HDMI adapter, etc). To do anything on it that involves typing, I have to stand on a stool. It's pretty awkward. Last night I checked to see if the laptop has bluetooth and it does. So, I ordered a bluetooth keyboard that should be here today. The cool thing about that is I can use the keyboard with my phone (much easier for text messaging) and the television (logging into streaming services is a real PITA). It should be here today and hopefully, I'll get the laptop so that I don't have the problem of losing data when it reboots itself.
What else...oh, I found out this morning that my two year old camera will take time lapse photos. I got some bubble guns from Amazon and the cats have fun chasing bubbles. I took video last week and found out this morning that I did not take video last week. I guess I didn't push the record button. Great. Anyway, I searched to see about time lapse and my camera and there was a short video about settings for time lapse and yay! I hope to try that option out soon.
I ordered some pasta from Walmart, the guy sent it from his Amazon account. With a gift receipt. WTF? Sad thing for me is I hadn't checked pricing and it was over four dollars cheaper at Amazon than I paid at Walmart. Life, am I right?
I printed these (found on thingiverse). I doubled them in size and am working on a backing for them. They're going to be super cute when I'm done. There are more, but one thing at a time.
We started watching Orphan Black a couple of weeks ago. We're hooked. We're in season three at this point, averaging three episodes a night.
Lawn Fawn came out with their latest collection. So many cute things this go round. I wish I could buy them all. I did get some stuff, so I'm happy about that. Now, I just have to get busy making things.
I did get some cheap webcams on last week. They're for bloggins, I guess, they have a light around the lens. That should help. I tried one out with my video capture software and it looked good. I figure I will use them to take video of stuff I'm working on. At least, that's my plan at this point. I just need to get my ass in gear and do it.
Not really a lot going on right now. Well, a lot of small things, but nothing major. Which is good. Like Michael Bryce says in "Hitman's Bodyguard" - "boring is always best". Story of my life.