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      Tuesday, September 18, 2018

06:36 AM - 09/18/2018

The topic: This and that


So, Sunday, yay, me! I got caught up on paperwork. I did two and a half months of new customer entry, payment inputs and three months bank reconciliations. And I didn't even use a calculator! I used a pen and a paper pad. It was pretty nice. Now, my time is mine, without being behind with this stuff hanging over my head.

Earlier on Sunday, I had put a small frozen roast in the little crockpot, figuring we'd have that and mashed potatoes and peas for dinner. But come time to make dinner, I really wasn't hungry and it was too hot to hit the kitchen. So, Brian barbecued a couple of hot dogs (leaving the door to the house open so it got pretty smokey inside). Then we found a movie on Google Play (one of the freebies I got from them, they don't seem to do that any longer).  Sometime during the evening, he put the crockpot and roast in the fridge.

And then the yawning started. Non-stop. One of the things that happens before I get a migraine. Then, my eyes went wanky. Zigzagging in my peripheral vision. Yeah, okay, another sign. Not looking forward to this. The first time I had a migraine that I knew was a migraine, was in the month of September. I wonder if this was weather related, or the relaxing after a stressful time, or skipping meals (I haven't been hungry at night, I've been skipping dinner the past week). It's good to know what it is, though. Not scary when you know.

Then the headache hit. As my migraines go, it wasn't a bad one. Right side of my face, above my right eye. It hurt to cough and bending over it would pound.  I took an Excedrin migraine and a Xanax, stayed on the sofa Sunday night. Yesterday morning I took two Excedrins and spent the day not doing much. Brian was really sweet, in the morning I was here in the office, talking about how hungry I was, he left the office, was gone for about ten minutes and came back with a plate of scrambled eggs with cheese and two pieces of toast, with butter and jam.  Really nice of him.

I took it easy yesterday, which sucked because I wanted to get back to the Silhouette. I had stuff I wanted to test out, but the noise would have driven me crazy. It was a beautiful day yesterday, too nice to be laying down.

As the day went on, the pain lessened. Yay! For dinner, I still didn't feel like peeling potatoes and cutting them up and boiling them and mashing them. So, I took the cold roast out of the crockpot and sliced it up. I'd asked Brian earlier if we had any burger buns (we did) and I put some barbeque sauce in the crockpot, placed the meat on that, added more sauce and plugged the crockpot back in.  When I was sure the meat would be heated, I cooked some small ears of corn to go with dinner. It was actually pretty tasty. Brian had barbeque beef sandwiches and I had a couple of slices of meat and we both had corn on the cob.  I didn't have the buns because it's just too much food and I don't like being over full.

We watched old House episodes on Amazon prime, then he went to bed, I stayed on the sofa. Too many cats on the bed on my side and I didn't want to fight them. I got my light fleece blanket and Pancho curled up next to me. He was still there four hours later (long stretch of sleep for me, it was awesome!) when I got up to use the bathroom.

Feeling a lot better this morning, going to go set up the Silhouette. It will be its maiden voyage with the new laptop.


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lisaviolet is seventy something, married with no kids, takes care of lots of cats, likes taking photographs, loves Southern California weather and spends altogether too much time avoiding her responsibilities.

In her spare time, she makes pretty things to sell in her store.

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