I released Boyd yesterday. After hearing all of these stories about birds returning to the human who kinda sorta rescued and raised them, I was disappointed that he just flew off without a chirp of goodbye. Or she. I think Boyd was a female robin, since she looked exactly like the other robins around here and there was no red plumage. I keep going outside and calling her, but she doesn't acknowledge my pain. Just kidding, I know she's way better off outside with her bird friends. In a human house is not the place for a wild bird, but I'm glad she'll have a chance at life.
I'd been cutting back on the water soaked dry kitten food I'd been feeding her last week and when I saw she was eating the birdseed, I knew it was time to let her go. I held her in my hands and Brian and I walked out into the front yard, I opened my hands and she flew up into one of the trees, then into a tree in the backyard. And I haven't seen her since. Maybe I've heard her, but I'll never know for sure.
Have a wonderful life, Boyd.
And with that chapter ended, the taxes printed out and in the mail, it's time to get back to working on the vase for Mother's Day. Once that's done, I really need to deep clean this house, it's awful. I haven't done any deep cleaning since before our last Disney meet trip, back in 2013. Yeah, it's been a while. I've been going through some mental crap, I guess. But it's time to pull out of the funk and get on with life.
And finish the vase. I need to finish the vase.