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      Monday, September 25, 2017

11:57 AM - 09/25/2017

The topic: There is good news


Rocky had his one month appointment for the crypto. The lump on his back is half the size, the owie on is foot is smaller and is soft, not hard. Which means it's breaking down the fungus.

The vet told me not to stop meds when I mentioned the dark urine Rocky had earlier this weekend (he peed in Brian's shower). He said "always call first".  Dark yellow is nothing to be concerned with. Orange is. Okay. Point taken.

So, Rocky's meds have been reduced to once a day (which means he only missed one dose when I decided to stop them) and will be on a monthly recheck.

I did let the vet know how much Rocket hates taking the meds, so once a day will be good. And I said "yeah, Brian lays on the couch, when he "helps" me, he'll say 'but he's under the tractor' and I told him, then do what I do, get on your knees and go after him. But no, he'd rather lay back on the couch and listen to me bitch."

And we weren't charged for anything with Skip this morning (well, the cremation, but that's through a third party company). The woman checking us out was like "shhhh! shhhh! don't say anything, you've been here so much lately and he was on his way out, there wasn't much they could really do. Why should you pay $155.00 for that?" 

Okay, you twisted my arm. It made Brian uncomfortable, but he didn't want to get her into trouble. Oh, and I brought Skip's blood pressure meds in for them in case they have a future client who needs them. I was told that sometimes elderly folks come in on fixed incomes and this helps them. The vet's office just relabels them and gives them to the client.  I'm also bringing back the doxycyline that we just got last week. I hadn't used any of it.

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lisaviolet is seventy something, married with no kids, takes care of lots of cats, likes taking photographs, loves Southern California weather and spends altogether too much time avoiding her responsibilities.

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