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      Sunday, January 22, 2006

11:06 AM - 01/22/2006

The topic: The washer


Something the repairguy didn’t tell me was that the parts would be delivered directly to the house.  There have been two deliveries.  Both are in the pedestal below the washer right now.

Yesterday I started doing sanitary loads, with nothing in them.  I’d let the wash cycle finish, then drain it and restart.   I added vinegar to the water.   A couple of times, I let the machine rest and the vinegar work on the build up.  After all of this, there’s still a ton of suds.  It’s just amazing.

I did manage to get a load of levis done yesterday.  They got to rest overnight.  Right now I’m in the process of washing Brian’s long sleeved shirts.  We’re in a “rest” cycle.  I set one of the kitchen timers for an hour and I’ll restart the washer when the hour is up.

I can hardly wait until this doesn’t happen any longer.

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lisaviolet is seventy something, married with no kids, takes care of lots of cats, likes taking photographs, loves Southern California weather and spends altogether too much time avoiding her responsibilities.

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