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      Thursday, January 26, 2006

09:44 AM - 01/26/2006

The topic: The new king?


Georgie’s working on it.  And pissing me off in the process.

Yesterday, Annie wanted to go outside, so I opened the office door for her.  She was just sitting in the sun, face to the light, eyes shut, enjoying the sun’s heat on her and the fresh air (it was nippy).  I hear the beginnings of a cat fight, look out and there was Georgie, standing over her, all puffed up and she was just cowering.  I told Brian about it last night and he said “did you smack him?”  I said “no, I just chased him away” and poor little Annie came back inside.  I did give George a big yelly lecture, though, with a lot of finger shaking in his face.

And shortly thereafter, I caught him doing the same thing to Chandler that he’d been doing to Annie. 

Geez, George, if you want to be king, why not go after one of the bigger, tougher, kitties, say one like Oliver?  I guess because a cat like Oliver would kick the crap out of you, if need be.  No, it’s best for your health to bully one of the submissive cats. 

George, did I ever tell you what a jerk you could be?  You most certainly were NOT my favorite cat yesterday.

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lisaviolet is seventy something, married with no kids, takes care of lots of cats, likes taking photographs, loves Southern California weather and spends altogether too much time avoiding her responsibilities.

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