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      Sunday, February 24, 2019

06:22 AM - 02/24/2019

The topic: The day after we said goodbye to Rocky


There was a new kitty in the yard.

I've seen him around out front a few times and he always ran. I suspect he liked to hang out under the bird feeder. We do find feathers on occasion.

I don't believe he has a home. He's not fixed, at least that's what the shape of his face indicates (huge jowls). He's not a very big cat, a tabby with white paws.

We've been leaving food out for him and it's getting eaten. We don't know where he hides, but it's a good hiding place. My money is on the overgrown weeds by the pool. But there are the cathouses and a doghouse on the bank, with big pillows.

The rain the past week was a concern, but there are plenty of places to stay dry.

Along with this, a possum has decided he/she likes the garage. It comes in through the cat door and spends the day sleeping in one of the condos by a vent to outside, It knows we know it's there, but we don't bother it, the cats aren't bothered by it, so it's okay with us. As long as it stays in the garage.

So, the food that's being put out is getting eaten. But who's eating it? Kitty or possum? For a few days, we hadn't seen the kitty, so kind of figured maybe it got out the same way it got in. Okay. But, just in case, the food bowl is getting filled.

But we really wanted to tame him down and keep him here, because it's safer here. Soon it will be coyote pupping season and coyotes want to eat and feed their young. A small cat would fit the bill.  Our intentions are to get him fixed and vetted and keep him here. But if he made it out of the yard, that's not going to happen.

In the evenings, we've heard a cat crying outside but have never been able to figure out if it's one of ours. Last night, I ended up sleeping on the sofa because Mario makes sleeping in bed miserable. (He sleeps between me and the edge of the bed, snuggled close to my legs...I can't move my legs and my hip and leg just start screaming.)  I kept hearing a cat cry. I'd get up and look out the window. Where's Lorelei, is it her? Or Charlie? Who is out there crying? Spotty?

After getting up every hour on the hour last night and early today, I finally saw who was crying this morning at five. A kitty on the patio. I turned on the light. It was the visitor. So, he's still here.

I'm thinking his situation is a cat who had a home, then his owners moved or he was just dumped. The crying indicates he's been acclimated to humans at some point. Ferals cry when they're fighting or looking for love. But I think he's been on his own for a while now.

Wish us luck.


I’ll be looking forward to hearing about Patio Cat grin

Posted by TURTLE LOVER @ Monday, February 25, 2019 - 9:12:51 AM

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lisaviolet is seventy something, married with no kids, takes care of lots of cats, likes taking photographs, loves Southern California weather and spends altogether too much time avoiding her responsibilities.

In her spare time, she makes pretty things to sell in her store.

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