that will go towards Spot’s surgery. Over the summer and with his surgery last week, we’ve spent close to $4500.00. (He blocked at least four times, had numerous ultrasounds, blood tests to make sure his kidneys hadn’t shut down, hospitalizations, different medications - ie: four Adequan shots at $58.00 each, it all adds up.)
My PayPal is nuttybuddy @ (no spaces). If you use PayPal, please choose the “personal” option, otherwise PP takes 4.4% from what you send.
I really appreciate the prayers and donations you’ve been making on his behalf.
The last time I spoke with Rainy, Saturday night, Spot still wasn’t peeing own, but I understand from what I’ve read on the internet that this isn’t uncommon. The bladder becomes distended when it’s full and it takes a while to get back into a place where it works properly. I’m hoping that’s the case with Spot.
I’ll find out more later today.