and a report comes on about the robber bankers on Wall Street. Goldman Sachs. They’re giving out salaries and bonuses over sixteen BILLION dollars this year. After the bailout. They made record profits last year.
To put that amount of money in perspective, it came out to close to a half a million dollars per employee. Now, you and I both know that Rachel, the receptionist or Annie, the adminstrative assistant, won’t be taking home that kind money. That’s going to the top of the pyramid, the top thieves, those people who think they’re entitled. Well, screw you, I’m entitled, too, I’m an awesome Fish Wrangler on FaceBook, where’s my share?
Anyway, Brian said we should call tomorrow and ask if they have any job openings. Doesn’t matter doing what, we’ll wash windows, scrub toilets, whatever needs to be done. And, hey, you don’t even have to pay us! Just give us that half mil bonus at the end of the year and we’ll be happy. We could live for ten years on a million dollars, you know?
Rat bastards.