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      Saturday, July 03, 2010

12:40 PM - 07/03/2010

The topic: So, today


Brian and his bro left early this am heading to Ranchita, to empty the truck that they filled last week, with many of Brian’s tools and equipment he used back in his shop. Today, I am attempting to straighten up the extra room, so that I’ll be able to move around in there again.

I’ve probably got over 100 cds I need to put back up (took them down to copy onto the computer so I could put the tunes in my MP3 players) and some boxes of stuff I’ve gotten over the past year or so from Woot or wherever.  Now that the bags that were full of things from the old Escape are now in the new Escape, I’ve got a little more room to work with. 

Ah, isn’t compressing your possessions fun?

One of the things I found in there was an old JVC camcorder, one that records onto the mini tapes.  I quit using it because there was a problem with it.  Well, I played with it a little and the video it takes is fine, it just doesn’t play back.  Ruins the recording when it does.  I’ve run the tape cleaning head multiple times, but it’s not working.  But the tapes play back fine on the Canon Elura, so as long as I remember (note to self, make a label for the JVc camcorder to not play back on it) to not play back on the JVC and when capturing is needed to do it via the Canon, I should be okay.

Anyway, enough of a break, back to work.  It might sound like a sucky job, but I think it will be fun, finding things I forgot I had.  I love doing that.  *lol*

Happy Fourth of July, Diane and Brian! Enjoy the fireworks! smile

Posted by Mary @ Sunday, July 04, 2010 - 7:56:51 PM

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lisaviolet is seventy something, married with no kids, takes care of lots of cats, likes taking photographs, loves Southern California weather and spends altogether too much time avoiding her responsibilities.

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