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      Monday, February 11, 2019

10:12 AM - 02/11/2019

The topic: So, keeping busy


And I do have some good news. My surgery is scheduled for next month! They called on Wednesday. I finally figured out how to do the call forwarding from my cell phone so the calls ring here at home, even if I have the cell phone on. If I don't get to the cell quickly enough, it rings on the home line.

Which helps with the vet phone calls as well. For some reason, their calls to our home number don't come through, because of some conflict with the MagicJack. But when they call my cell and the calls are forwarded, the home line rings and the reception is perfect. Now I don't have to sit here with the cell on.

Anyway, Friday I went in for labwork and an EKG, this needs to be done a month before surgery. I don't know what they were thinking when they scheduled this. We had to go to two different clinics, across town from one another. I was told it would be 9:15 at one clinic, 10:30 at the other. Plenty of time. But then, on the email with the scheduling they sent, the time was 9:15 at one clinic, 9:40 at the other. Great. Not even thirty minutes between appointments.

We got to the first one early and I was done by 9:00. Nasal swab, checking for staph. Did you know that almost 85% of surgical staph infections come from the patient? Yowza! Then we left the clinic, got into the car (takes me longer than I like to lift that right leg in; even though the car isn't high, it's still work and painful) and instead of gettting on the freeway, I said "can't we just go down this street?" And we did. Drove down the main street of El Cajon, California. Brian pointing out landmarks that were no longer there from his childhood. It was a really nice little drive.

When we got to the second clinic, we got me checked in ($35 each for the tests) and we waited for a bit. (Because of how lab scheduling had been changed this past month, there was a wait time of an hour for people who were sent there from visits with their on premises doctors! I had appointments, so the wait was less than fifteen minutes.) Then they called me back, got the blood drawn (five or six vials), I got the EKG and home we came. When my blood was being drawn, it was explained why the visits to the two different clinics was necessary. They only test for staph at the othopedics clinic. The other clinic does the EKGs.

The results started to come in late afternoon Friday and they all seem pretty good. My pre-diabetic status is still pre-diabetic, but that will change when I'm finally able to start walking again and lose some weight.

But I'm hoping by the time the final season of Game of Thrones start, I'll be almost back to normal.


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lisaviolet is seventy something, married with no kids, takes care of lots of cats, likes taking photographs, loves Southern California weather and spends altogether too much time avoiding her responsibilities.

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