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      Tuesday, June 13, 2017

01:13 PM - 06/13/2017

The topic: So, I speak of my garden.


Here are some photos of my garden. Clicking on a picture will take you to a bigger photo in my family album; clicking on that picture will open a larger photo.

The alyssum. The first photo was after the seeds started coming up. This was the first flower. The second picture was taken this morning.

Then we have catnip. Taken when the seeds started to break ground at the end of April. The second one was this morning. Spotty was having a little morning treat.

Then there's the corn.

And, last but not least, the tomatoes.

The tomatoes surprise me. The ones on the left are Indigo, the second row is beefsteak and the ones on the right are cherry tomatoes. The cherry tomato plants are huge! All three varieties have blossoms on them.

I will be planting more peppers. I pulled a bunch of weeds yesterday and watered thoroughly. I will probably plant seeds tomorrow since the weather has warmed up.

This is the same side of the yard where there's a birdfeeder hanging from the house. There are also a few sunflowers in the garden. I was watching the birds with interest. I've seen a couple of them on the ground, in the plants and they come out with worms. I think this is pretty cool because the birds can take care of the worm problem and the plants should do better without getting eaten by bugs.

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lisaviolet is seventy something, married with no kids, takes care of lots of cats, likes taking photographs, loves Southern California weather and spends altogether too much time avoiding her responsibilities.

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