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      Tuesday, December 26, 2017

08:26 AM - 12/26/2017

The topic: So far, so good



The new computer is up and running and I'm slowly getting things added back in.

The sucky part is some of the software I had needed to be updated and the add-ins for those programs also needed updating. Not all cost money, but some of them did. Meh.

I finally got all of the external hard drives connected to the same power strip, so when I push this little button on my power center, they all come up. And then, every single one of them opens on my desktop. That needs to stop. It's not like I use them all that much, they're more for storage than anything else, but still. Pretty much everything I've ever downloaded is on one or another of those drives. It's a bunch of fun looking for things.

But it's sure a lot neater. I was able to get rid of a lot of cables. I like not having them all bunched up in the back of the computer.

The holidays still suck. I got a couple of cards, that was nice. From a couple of people I hadn't heard from in a while.

We had beans and weenies for dinner last night. Perfect ending to a perfect day.

Brian's off getting the oil in the car changed right now, I'm still working on setting up programs.

Oh, the firewire card I pulled out of the old system and put in the new computer worked right off the bat. And, oh, my gosh! Opening this system was a dream! No screws! No screwdrivers! I plugged in my old Canon Elura this morning and started up my new VideoStudio Ultimate (it was on the laptop, but lost it in the crash, took so many tries to get that software installed properly, very frustrating) and went to the "Capture" option and it found the camera right away. That's pretty awesome. I like it when things work the way they should. I didn't have to install any drivers or anything. Yay!

There was a problem with the NAS drives. Well, I thought there was a problem, but the files just needed to be indexed. But now, the Rokus see them just fine.

And that's about it for now. Still working on stuff. And Charlie is still an asshole.


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lisaviolet is seventy something, married with no kids, takes care of lots of cats, likes taking photographs, loves Southern California weather and spends altogether too much time avoiding her responsibilities.

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