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      Thursday, September 21, 2017

04:03 PM - 09/21/2017

The topic: Skip is blind


This morning, he started doing this weird twitch with his head. It concerned me enough that I called the vet and they said I could drop him off or bring him in at 2:45. That time was over four hours away, but we will never do another drop off of a sick cat. We can't even imagine Potter's time there.

Well, I kept Skip in the bathroom. And around noon, I let him out. Out the door, he looked disoriented. He finally made it outside and over into the garden. He never goes into the garden. He peed a bunch, then he pooped. I watched him and he was walking all over the place, not with any destination in mind. Odd. And he's actually more alert and active than he's been in weeks.

Then it dawned on me. He couldn't see. He couldn't see a damned thing.  I called the vet at around two and I was told to bring him in.

More tests. They tested for hypertension and they tested his thyroid. His thyroid was good. Since he had blood tests last week, we knew his kidneys are okay. She did some research and although it's anecdotal, FIV may cause hypertension. The good news is that his congestion is much better. The antibiotics are working. One more week on those. And he still gets fluids.

So, she gave us a prescription for a drug for him, we have to go to a regular pharmacy for that. The vet said it's possible he'll get some of his eyesight back when we bring the blood pressure down. I hope so. But we're already planning a fenced off area in the yard for him so he doesn't fall into the pool.

When we got home, he went into the bathroom and stepped in the kibble, knocking the bowl over and kibble went flying. And he was all, hey, food! And started nomming. He nommed for at least ten minutes. He's fast asleep right now.

The only other cat we had was who went blind was Lisa Violet. And when she slept, she didn't close her eyes. They were open all of the time. I'm watching Skip on the stalker cam and he's asleep and his eyes are closed. I hope that's an optimistic sign.

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lisaviolet is seventy something, married with no kids, takes care of lots of cats, likes taking photographs, loves Southern California weather and spends altogether too much time avoiding her responsibilities.

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