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      Monday, February 28, 2022

06:37 AM - 02/28/2022

The topic: Singing taps for the laptop


It's done. It's history.

It died. Couldn't take the pressure.

Seriously, it had been running hot for a while, I had external fans aimed at it to keep it cool for a couple of years now. It just couldn't take the work I was having it do yesterday. The system fan gave a couple of whirls and noises and it just refused to boot up, no matter what I tried.

It told me it had a NTFS file problem. I ran setup at startup and did the checks listed. It repeatedly shut down during the memory check. Bad memory? Dunno. Don't care at this point. I'm done babying it, it's done working for me.

And I'm okay with that. I got it as a cheap refurbished unit on eBay years ago.  I've more than gotten my money's worth.

Speaking of eBay, I have a new refurb unit on the way. It's like the one I got for my NAS system, except this one has double the hard drive. Which I don't really need, since I'll just be running the camera and weather station.  I set these both up on the NAS last night, got them up and running, so I know they'll work on the one getting here Friday. It shouldn't take much time to get it going.

In other news, I did not make enchiladas for dinner last night. Ran out of time. But I did make deviled eggs. I hard cooked the eggs in the Instantpot, put them in an ice bath after they were done, washed my equipment, peeled the eggs and put them in the fridge while the laptop was reinstalling Windows. Hours later, after Del Taco for dinner and the camera and weather station were running from the NAS, I shut down my computer and made the deviled eggs.

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lisaviolet is seventy something, married with no kids, takes care of lots of cats, likes taking photographs, loves Southern California weather and spends altogether too much time avoiding her responsibilities.

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