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      Monday, August 22, 2022

06:31 AM - 08/22/2022

The topic: Short update


We got another cat the week after we said goodbye to Spot. An adult black short haired cat, vet guesstimates age at seven (looking at his teeth).  We named him Fury. More later.

Spent the afternoon yesterday at the ER vet with Steve, then the evening at home waiting for the okay to come get him. Vet thinks gastroenteritis due to parasites. He's better this morning, but still not back to normal.

I finally washed the bedroom floors last weekend. One of my bucket list items.  lol

Had Brian cut my hair, that's been down to my waist for the majority of my life (since marriage), to my shoulder. I like it a lot better, tired of the long stuff.

The heat is unbearable.

The laptop was super slow so I did a little cleanup using the sfc/scannow and DISM programs to fix problems with Windows, reinstalled Windows 10, got that working,  then installed Windows 11.  It took four days because I was impatient at how slow it was going and kept re-starting the computer. (The slowness was one of the reasons I was doing what I was doing.)  Stupid, time consuming thing to do. I shoulda just waited. I ended up not reinstalling programs that I never used (I have the same programs on the desktop, that is more powerful than the laptop). I only reinstalled the things that I'll use. Anyway, I'm much happier with how it runs. I did disable the wireless and attached it using an ethernet cable to the range extender. Yowza, doubled the speed. Amazing that the signal is coming from the exact same device just connected differently.

I got a new USB turntable that I'm gonna use to rip my vinyl albums to my music folder. That I will work with on the laptop. More room on the table.

Having fun downloading old shows using Playon.tv. We're rewatching Justified. Waiting for Orphan Black to start streaming on a service so I can download that. I missed it by a month, kept putting it off.

Anyway, today will be a "watch Steve" day. Yesterday was pretty scary, we were concerned he'd swallowed something and it was caught up in his intestines. He puked up breakfast, then a couple of hours later, started straining to poop and only drops of a clear, uncolored liquid came out. He panted. He threw up foam. Never in my life had I seen that and it scared me. The folks at the ER were super nice.

I have a small amount of paperwork to do and have to get out the Cameo to print and cut more labels for Brian's cylinders. Funny thing, I loved that machine so much, had so much fun with it until they updated the software and I couldn't get the library to work right. It took months to resolve, but I lost interest over that. Was so frustrated that I just walked away. I think it's time to go back.

I gave Jingles a bath last week and took video of him afterwards and uploaded it to Youtube. I do this so that the lady who gave him to us can see he's still doing well with us. She's moved up to Fresno and she worries about him. For your viewing pleasure, Little Bitty Dawg.


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Can’t wait to hear about Fury .... and what a cute little bitty dawg you have grin

Posted by Turtle Lover @ Wednesday, August 24, 2022 - 5:26:42 AM

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lisaviolet is seventy something, married with no kids, takes care of lots of cats, likes taking photographs, loves Southern California weather and spends altogether too much time avoiding her responsibilities.

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