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      Saturday, June 30, 2018

10:24 AM - 06/30/2018

The topic: Short update


I can sign up for Medicare tomorrow. Three months before my birthday month.

I'm back working on my store since I will definitely have catnip for sale this year. Since I couldn't get the old store working again after the hack last January, I found out that the upgrade to it was on sale for $117.00. I just checked, they don't even have my new version listed any longer. I lucked out.

Anyway, I finally got it to look kind of like the old store and am in the process of adding the stock back in. I have less than a hundred and twenty products, but there are descriptions and options and pictures that need to be input. I had a couple of people help walk me through SQL database exporting and importing, so, that's helped, but I still need to manually do the tweaking.

I've been assembling the pieces I cut out a couple of weeks ago. I can do that sitting on the sofa and gluing. I'm excited about how this project will come out.

I have a ton of paperwork to do. Now I'll also have another month of bank reconciliation to do. Lucky me!

My leg hasn't been hurting as badly as it had been, that's good. Maybe I'll wash some more windows. I sure like clean windows.

I woke up this morning with Sagwa's paws on my arm, face to face. He likes to sleep next to me like that.

The pool is looking awesome. It's not hot enough in the house yet for me to feel the urge to jump in, but soon. It will be soon.


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lisaviolet is seventy something, married with no kids, takes care of lots of cats, likes taking photographs, loves Southern California weather and spends altogether too much time avoiding her responsibilities.

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