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      Sunday, November 15, 2009

12:11 PM - 11/15/2009

The topic: Scary stuff


I got an 8GB Sansa Fuze from the last woot-off.  I needed another MP3 player like I needed another hole in the head, but there ya go.

So, I opened the box this morning and plugged it into one of my computer’s USB ports to see if there was anything on it (it’s a refurb).  Nothing on it.  Then I noticed my back button on my mouse didn’t work, so I rebooted my computer.

It wouldn’t reboot.  Came up with a message that system32\ntoskrnl.exe was missing or corrupt.  Fortunately, I’ve got other computers, so I did some research and I tried doing what they said. Problem was the recovery disk didn’t work as it should have. I was getting frustrated and, I admit, more than a little nervous.  Because one of the problems could be a bad hard drive. And I wondered what if I screwed something up yesterday?

So, I’m worried about Bart, my work computer won’t boot.  This isn’t looking good. And I started going over what I’d read online.  A bad keyboard could result in this message.  There was this, there was that.  The computer worked fine when I booted up first thing, why not now? 

I mentally backtracked what I’d done.  And I retraced those steps.  One of them was to disconnected the refurb Sansa from the computer.

Then I rebooted. 

Worked like a dream.


Although that’s two hours of my life I’ll never get back, I’ve still got my hard drive. And what more could ya ask for?  Two hours or a hard drive that doesn’t need to be reformatted? What a nightmare that would have been.

And I’m going to make those boot disks today.  You can count on that.  Just in case this happens again and there’s no Sansa connected to the system.  *lol*

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lisaviolet is seventy something, married with no kids, takes care of lots of cats, likes taking photographs, loves Southern California weather and spends altogether too much time avoiding her responsibilities.

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