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      Friday, November 27, 2009

03:04 PM - 11/27/2009

The topic: Sammy’s home


His bloodwork is fine, the vet took a full body x-ray, that’s fine.  Well, the bloodwork did show an elevated WBC, but his organs are all functioning properly.

What didn’t look fine were his teeth.  He’s on a week of Clindamycin to knock down the infection (elevated WBC) and then the vet wants him in for a dental.

He also got a shot for the vomiting. 

The teeth thing really didn’t surprise me.  Because Richie, Opie and Daniece have all had dental problems. I know that Angel most likely needs her teeth checked, too.  So, that would be all five kittens of Little Guy. Sister to Katie and Mystie. And if you recall, Mystie went in earlier this year for dental problems. She had four teeth pulled.

So, nothing life threatening, but the whole thing was pretty scary to us.  Both Brian and I had upset stomachs and headaches this morning.  I know it happens to me, but I didn’t know it happened to him, too.

Sammy jetted from the carrier when I opened it when we got home. I have no idea where he is right now.  lol

Thanks for all the good wishes, I know they helped with better news that I expected.

Such great news! I really wish it was easier to keep kitties teeth clean, I can’t really picture you running around with a brush in hand with 30 + cats, I have a hard enough time with 2 (sigh, that’s the first time I had to say 2 since Romeo’s passing).
Anyway, so relieved for you & Brian.

Posted by Melanee @ Saturday, November 28, 2009 - 12:58:11 PM

Diane - wonderful news, I’m so happy for you! Okay, you and Brian can breathe now! smile

Melanee - I was so sorry to hear about Romeo! You have my deepest sympathy, I know all too well what it’s like! I’m glad you still have the other two to comfort you!

Posted by Mary @ Monday, November 30, 2009 - 2:09:32 AM

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lisaviolet is seventy something, married with no kids, takes care of lots of cats, likes taking photographs, loves Southern California weather and spends altogether too much time avoiding her responsibilities.

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