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      Thursday, September 05, 2019

04:09 PM - 09/05/2019

The topic: Ronnie didn’t get better


He got worse.

We said goodbye to him this afternoon. The vet believes he had some sort of cancer because the meds he was getting should have worked by now. At least have shown some improvement.

This morning, he refused to eat anything and wouldn't let syringe feed him. He couldn't walk, kept falling over. He'd lost even more weight since Tuesday.

The vet thinks it was a type of cutaneous cancer, because of how thin his skin had gotten (remember, he licked all of the fur off the weekend before last).

We had no options, we had no choice.

I emailed the vet with my concerns this morning and she responded saying the medications should have been working. She advised euthanasia. I called and made the appointment.

It was for mid-afternoon and Ronnie had been spending the day in the crate, the first time he actually didn't fuss about being in there (because he was dying). Every once in a while he'd let out a little cry. About an hour and a half before his appointment, I took him outside and watched him, reaffirming our decision. I spent an hour with him on the grass, my legs scissored out and him between them, laying against me. We talked, well, most I talked, but every few minutes he'd reply. Or maybe he was just saying "I hurt so bad".....but my last memories of him will be under the tree, in the grass, stroking his soft fur and having one last conversation. I'll miss him eating my hair and tripping me up in the yard. I'll miss yelling at him when he pulls the bowl of food away from another cat. There's just so much about him that I'll miss. He was one in a million.

We said goodbye.

He was one of my heart cats. I will really, really miss this guy.

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lisaviolet is seventy something, married with no kids, takes care of lots of cats, likes taking photographs, loves Southern California weather and spends altogether too much time avoiding her responsibilities.

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