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      Friday, September 21, 2018

12:50 PM - 09/21/2018

The topic: Rocky’s meds


Last Friday, I posted about the possibility of no longer giving Rocky meds for his crypto since it was so stressful for all involved. And that I contacted the vet and was told that a different method of delivery was available.

Money exchanged hands and orders were placed and the medications finally got here yesterday.

And two days in a row, Rocky has gobbled his medications right down. Two days without a fight. Two, stressless days. I do put the fluconazole in a pill pocket, he really likes those. And even though it's only been two days, it looks like he'll take them better spaced apart, not at the same time. He even came out from under the tractor this morning when he thought there were more treats available.

Nice. Really nice. Hopefully he'll keep liking them.

(Would someone please come over here and smash this stupid mosquito into oblivion? I'm not having any luck.)

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lisaviolet is seventy something, married with no kids, takes care of lots of cats, likes taking photographs, loves Southern California weather and spends altogether too much time avoiding her responsibilities.

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