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      Monday, April 21, 2014

08:48 AM - 04/21/2014

The topic: Rocky is out of the office


We had a couple of fun minutes with him last night. He found his way behind the stereo. You know, back where the power strip is located. 

So, I got him out of there, Brian got one of the boxes he uses for shipping (they're six inches wide and twenty-nine inches long) and he put that up there to keep Rocky from getting behind.

This morning I let the cats out at 4:30 and checked on Rocky, he was on the shelf next to the window. It was a little chilly so I closed the window. Went back to bed.

When I got up, he was behind the stereo again. Laying on the power strip. The box, the one that was supposed to prevent him from going behind, was still in place. question

Got him down again (I use a stepstool that we keep in the garage; othewise I can't reach him....lots of climbing these past few days). I opened the window a bit and he was okay with that. He looked out the window and seemed to be back to normal, not that I know what "normal" is for him). 

I tried to communicate with him that if he wants to go out, there are two doors that allow the cats access to the yard that are unlocked during the day. And if he wants to go out, he's going to have to learn the house (I remember with Mario how happy I was when he went out the garage cat door, then ran back in the garage cat door when he got started outside...he knew where "safe" was). I didn't think my discussion with him worked, but within a half hour he was off of the shelf and has been under the bed for the past hour. Well, at least he's in motion. 

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lisaviolet is seventy something, married with no kids, takes care of lots of cats, likes taking photographs, loves Southern California weather and spends altogether too much time avoiding her responsibilities.

In her spare time, she makes pretty things to sell in her store.

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