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      Friday, October 03, 2014

09:33 AM - 10/03/2014

The topic: Rocky has a new routine


I don't even know how to start this. Morning? Day? Evening?


We'll start with the morning. 

In the morning, he's outside on that one chair at the patio table (the one you can see on the patiocam).

He's started coming inside late morning, early afternoon. He heads over the the shelf  by Brian's desk, I store disks and paper and checks on the other side. And the other side is where the catcam is. Right now, there are two boxes of paper on top and he lays on those. Or he lays on the blankets over the catcam chair. Then in the late afternoon, he goes back outside. He may or may not come in for dinner. Around this time is when I usually get most of the cats in and set the doors to in only.

When Rocky is done being inside, he will go to the laundry room, open the cat door (which is set to in only - he pulls it towards him and pulls it up and once it's open enough, out he goes), and go back outside. Where he spends most of the night.

Because last night was such an awesome cool night, perfect for sleeping, I didn't wake up until 5:40 this morning. An hour and forty minutes after my usual wake up time. I got up and opened the sliding door so the cats could go out. Rocky wasn't on his chair. Hmm....

I hear crunching in the office. He's on the little table with its bowl of kibble. Eating.

And this leads me to believe he's probably in and out through the night. 

He has a routine. 

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lisaviolet is seventy something, married with no kids, takes care of lots of cats, likes taking photographs, loves Southern California weather and spends altogether too much time avoiding her responsibilities.

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