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      Wednesday, January 11, 2006

12:55 PM - 01/11/2006

The topic: Projects


I was given a recipe for making my own laundry soap today.   It looks fairly easy to do.  Will I do it?  I’m not sure.  My project track record is not good.  It’s not good at all.  Let’s see what projects I have waiting at this point.

  • One king size afghan, started when Maggie was just a kitten
  • Crocheted sofa, loveseat and recliner covers
  • Pin on buttons, 1.25" and 2.25" size
  • Learn how to use my cameras
  • Use my camera
  • Disney vacation DVD
  • Transfer VHS tapes to DVD
  • Transfer digital tapes to DVD
  • Jewelry making stuff
  • Many, many books to read

And how much have I done?  Nada.  I’m back here dorking around with my websites.   And it doesn’t help when my host moves my sites to another server (which needed to be done, I think that timestamp thing was an indication that the old server was dying).  And they’re still tweaking the settings, because my email is sporadic right now.  And I’m getting notices that portions of my website aren’t working properly.  *sigh*

Oh, well.

Since you seem to love to crochet as much as I do, you should try using Red Heart Light & Lofty on a project.  The scarf, afghan, or whatever makes up super fast and is amazingly soft.  I buy mine from Knitting-Warehouse.com.  Even with shipping costs, it usually comes out cheaper than at most hobby supply stores.  Red Heart Baby clouds is the same yarn, but in different colors.

Posted by Trudy @ Wednesday, January 11, 2006 - 5:56:14 PM

One of the reasons I quit crocheting (I’ve got boxes and boxes of yarn) is I hurt my thumb a couple of years ago, falling in the back yard when I got the kitty-cats in.  When I use it too much, it starts to hurt again.

Posted by lisaviolet @ Thursday, January 12, 2006 - 6:24:06 AM

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lisaviolet is seventy something, married with no kids, takes care of lots of cats, likes taking photographs, loves Southern California weather and spends altogether too much time avoiding her responsibilities.

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