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      Monday, September 30, 2024

12:48 PM - 09/30/2024

The topic: Productive weekend


Back in 2022, I ordered the television series "Northern Exposure" from Amazon. It wasn't cheap since I got the set from outside of the U.S.  Why? Because the U.S. version didn't have the original soundtrack. A licensing thing. I ripped the shows to a hard drive and we watched them on the NAS I run from my Plex machine.

We quit watching a couple of episodes into the final season because we just weren't feeling it any longer. We knew that Rob Morrow was leaving and the storylines just didn't grab us.

I've been trying to finish it and this past weekend, I had eight episodes left and I finally did it. I finished the series.

One down.

In the garage, where my craft supplies are stored, there was an area where I would just dump stuff instead of putting it away. Well, I got that cleaned up.

That's two.

Earlier this summer, I bought a Glimmer machine. It was quite a bit less money than it is now. This is a foiling machine and I'd seen some cool things people were doing with it. One of the most helpful tools is washi tape. Washi tape is low adhesive, very easy to remove and the heat from the machine won't hurt it. The washi tape holds the cardstock and die in place. I knew I had a lot of it, but I couldn't find it anywhere.

After putting stuff away, I happened to see the box it was in. It was in plain sight. I have no idea how I missed it all of the times I looked for it. But I found it. So, yay!

That's three.

And I know I've mentioned making automata crafts. A couple that I really liked needed rubber bands. The first one I made was a dinosaur. The second was a duck rowing a boat.

Since I had no rubber bands, I ordered a bag of assorted from Amazon. Finished the dino.

A couple of months later, I started on the rowboat. I couldn't find the rubber bands. I ordered another bag. Finished the rowboat.

Well, when I pulled out the storage box that had the washi tape, what do you think was on top of it? Yep, the rubber bands.

They are now all in one bag and easily accessible.

That's four.

My intention with the automata is to take video of them in action and share them online.

But, it was a good weekend.

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lisaviolet is seventy something, married with no kids, takes care of lots of cats, likes taking photographs, loves Southern California weather and spends altogether too much time avoiding her responsibilities.

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