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      Sunday, November 05, 2006

03:28 PM - 11/05/2006

The topic: Ponderance


So, we finish shopping at CostCo, stop by Taco Bell on the way home for a bite to eat.  Brian gets two bean burritos with green sauce, I get two taco supremes (they’ve got sour cream, you know).

We get home, eat, then Brian starts unpacking the car and I start putting stuff away.  Some of the things I have to make room for, like the soup and the tomato sauce and diced/stewed tomatoes.  I checked the date on some Marie Callender soup that seemed like it had been in there forever, it’s expired, I tossed it.  I put the new soup up (I found some new flavors at CostCo; will we eat them or will they end up like the stuff Marie made?), then started on the tomatoes.

A while back, when I cleaned out the pantry, I vowed I’d not put stuff on the shelves that came multiples in a box, in the box.  I’d open the container, then put the goods up individually.  The tomatoes came in boxes.  There were twelve cans in the tomato sauce box, eight each in the diced tomato and stewed tomato boxes.  That’s twenty eight cans. 

The boxes have on them “pantry perfect” and “perfect for pantry”.  Probably because all three had a part of the box that you could punch out and the cans would just roll out.  But there’s a problem with this, the very reason I no longer put stuff away in the boxes.

Those boxes take up space.  As you use what you need, the box contains that much less.  It’s probable that I could have three boxes in the pantry and only three cans left.   All that space, gone to waste.  And it’s harder to keep an inventory when you’re not sure how much is left.  I can imagine how frustrated I’d be if I decided to make an Italian sauce to find out I didn’t have enough canned tomatoes.

Two thumbs down on the “pantry perfect” boxes. Bad idea.

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lisaviolet is seventy something, married with no kids, takes care of lots of cats, likes taking photographs, loves Southern California weather and spends altogether too much time avoiding her responsibilities.

In her spare time, she makes pretty things to sell in her store.

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