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      Tuesday, May 08, 2018

07:03 AM - 05/08/2018

The topic: Plodding along


Nothing exciting, well, there was that helicopter that just hovered in the same spot for at least fifteen minutes. I got some video of it. Really exciting. Just a helicopter hovering. Oh, I did get the fog bank coming in as well. If you're here right now, maybe you can see it on the backyard cam (one of these days it will be on the roof with the ability to move it).

Rocky got his bandage changed last Wednesday, all looked good. I was a little worried when I  noticed him pulling at the tape and the next morning, more tape was gone and I couldn't find it. I was afraid he'd ingested a fair amount and gave him a bunch of tuna. He kept that down, so I wasn't so afraid. If the tape had blocked something, the tuna would have been vomited. A couple of days later, I found the big piece of tape, so that was good.

His bandage and stitches come out today! Yay!

I finished my latest batch of balloons last weekend. There are seven total, I need to get photos of them. I ordered some hook type hangers, shepherd's hooks and ornament hangers. They got here yesterday so, as long as it's not windy, I'll get some pictures of them today.

Brian is finally working on getting the pool stuff set back up. It's been almost a month since his last radiation treatment and he's getting back on track as far as his schedule goes. He has more time now and he's not so tired. He pulled the old deck down (where the pool pump and filter were).  Last month, he went to Lowe's and Home Depot to look at wood for the deck replacement and the stuff they had on the floor wasn't good and too expensive. The following day he went up to our property and loaded up the truck with wood that was stored up there. This past weekend, he started rebuilding the deck. That's done and he's getting pipes and stuff to set the pump and filter back up.

The pool is pretty nasty right now, stagnant water, lots of mosquitoes. Early the other evening, I was out looking at it and it looked like raindrops were hitting the water, but it was those mosquitoes. Shudder. He should have it up and running in the next couple of days.

Work has been pretty slow for me, not a lot of quote requests, and without quotes, no orders. No orders, no new accounts to set up.

Because so much of his time was doing quotes, I added a thing to the contact page that there is currently a twenty week lead time (he has that many orders to fill). I'm sure that's cut back on a lot of requests, because people don't want to wait that long. People give him grief about the lead time, but he's started to not feel guilty about it, no longer gets defensive, like he's doing something wrong. He's not, he's just got that good of a product.

And that's about it. Not a whole lot going on.

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lisaviolet is seventy something, married with no kids, takes care of lots of cats, likes taking photographs, loves Southern California weather and spends altogether too much time avoiding her responsibilities.

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