And there are so many, because I truly believe there’s no place like home….
Gilligan is back! After being gone for months and months and months! There was some concern that he’d been hit by a car and was no longer alive, but Brian and I had seen him a couple of times on our walks. Now he’s back here.
I hope he stays here and hides in the juniper on OUR bank, like KittyMeeze does at night. I hope he doesn’t want to cross the street anymore.
And don’t start saying “why don’t you bring him in?” Because it would be too hard on the both of them to dump them in an environment with all these other younger, stronger cats. Just pray he stays out front.
Well, he didn’t stick around, I watched him walk down the street and around the corner. I found it odd that he moved to the middle of the lane when he passed the juniper on the corner, where so many cats have called home throughout the years. Might it be because Notwally lives there on occasion and Gilly just isn’t up to defending himself? I just don’t know.
Anyway, I was able to get a couple of pictures of him while he was here (I took them through the bedroom window). Since he didn’t move much, I’m only posting one, they’re all pretty much the same. I noticed that he has the same profile that Lonee Gail had. And he’s also got that same black spot on his nose that she had, the one that would go away for a while, then come back.
click for a larger picI also got a couple of KittyMeeze. His tail is normal now, remember how worried I was that it was broken and would cause long term health problems?
click for a larger pic
click for a larger pic